Occupational therapy is an allied health service that helps clients build skills to participate in activities that they find meaningful or that are required for daily life. This includes areas such as taking care of oneself, studying, working, volunteering, socialising and participating in hobbies and interests. The goal of occupational therapy is to increase independence, improve quality of life and reduce barriers to everyday functioning.
Occupational therapists (OTs) assess what clients can do, what they want to do, what limitations they are experiencing, then work with clients to help them develop new ways of doing things in order to achieve their goals.
Occupational therapists use everyday activities, exercises and therapies to help clients build skills (e.g. by developing routines, practicing tasks, using aids or devices). For children, this is usually play based and informal, including activities like board games, drama/play, arts and crafts, exercises (e.g. balance balls, beams or slides) etc.